What is GreenScaping?

GreenScaping encompasses a set of landscaping practices that can improve the health and appearance of your lawn and garden while protecting and preserving natural resources.

This EPA GreenScaping site encourages consumers to grasscycle, mulch, and compost to reduce the amount of yard waste in the waste stream and provides details on how and what to compost:

Greenscapes for Homeowners - EPA

Additional materials available include:

Greenscaping Guide: offers guidance for consumers on changing their landscapes to GreenScapes, saving time and money while protecting the environment - EPA

Greenscaping Guide in Spanish - EPA

Greenscapes Seasonal Planner: planning calendar to help you save time, money, and make your piece of the planet a healthier place to live. - EPA

Greenscapes Seasonal Planner in Spanish - EPA

Greenscaping for Businesses, Developers, Non-Profit Organizations - EPA

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